Giving days have been all the rage in the fundraising world lately. But with them comes a new challenge—creating a strategy that will engage and retain this unique group of donors.
Whether it was Giving Tuesday, your organization’s own giving day, or a community foundation matching day, chances are your organization has been involved in a time-limited giving effort. These campaigns help your organization raise new funds, identify new donors, and increase your social media presence in a very condensed amount of time, and data shows that donors are more loyal to giving days, and more likely to make a second gift in the same fiscal year. What's not to love?
But the work doesn’t stop when the clock strikes midnight. What happens the day after Giving Day? How do you acknowledge these gifts? How do you retain these new donors? Do you have a strategic plan for this new influx of donors? How does donor relations play a role in these efforts?
A truly successful giving day requires a strategy that begins well before the big event, but the real work starts when the giving day ends—it's not only about the solicitation, after all. This course will show you how to properly engage and steward giving day donors before, during, and after your event.
No matter where you are in the giving day process this course is for you. It’s not too late to salvage the communications and recognition efforts tied to your giving day, and it's never too early to start planning for your next giving day! Ideally, you would bring the whole team together and take this course part by part. Giving days are here to stay, so let's make sure your giving day donors are, too!
This course is broken down into 8 pre-recorded and on-demand modules (about 20 minutes each) that will help you build a comprehensive stewardship strategy for your giving day donors. You'll learn how to prepare for your giving day to set your team up for success, and the important next steps that are crucial for turning these one-time donors into loyal supporters. BONUS: This course comes with an extra module all about revamping your online giving experience, as well as an online giving survey, and a timeline worksheet to keep you on track. You will also receive 3 CFRE continuing education credits for completing The Keys to Giving Day Stewardship.
In this introductory module, we'll discuss goal setting, streamlining your giving form, segmenting your donors, and how to bring the RIGHT team together for giving day success. ​
Learn exactly what you need to do, step-by-step, from 6-12 months before your giving day to 6 months after, and everything in between. Create your own timeline or use the worksheet provided with the course.
Discover the must-haves of your giving day confirmation pages and thank you emails, and see stunning examples of messages that will leave your donors feeling inspired and appreciated.
Go above and beyond the traditional thank you email and send personalized thank you messages to your giving day donors with social media, videos, and more.
So you had your giving day, now it's time to tell your donors what they did! Discover the most creative and effective ways to share your giving day success with donors.
You've reported your immediate success, now it's time to tell your donors the long-term impact of their gifts. And of course we have lots of samples to inspire you!
Learn how to avoid these commonly overlooked details that can make a big difference to donors—and your giving day success!
Once you've mastered the basics, use these tips and tools to take your giving day to the next level.
Learn how to completely revamp your online giving page to ensure your giving day donors have the best experience possible. These tips could make or break your giving day!
What You Will Learn
What You Get
This course is broken down into eight modules, plus a bonus module on the online giving experience. Each module is about 20 minutes long. You'll also get an online giving survey and a timeline worksheet to help you through the planning process. Purchase one copy of the course to share with your team or others in your organization—the more the merrier! The course is pre-recorded and available on-demand, so you'll receive the content immediately and can start diving in and creating a brilliant giving day strategy right now! It's easy as pie (and around here, we love a good pie)!
Get the entire course today for just
Meet Your Presenter

Lynne Wester, Principal and Founder, Donor Relations Group
When I began my career years ago, there wasn't a go-to resource in the donor relations space. I founded Donor Relations Guru in 2010 on the belief that donor relations is the key to unlocking fundraising success and that organizations must be as dedicated to the donor experience, or DX, as they are to the ask itself.
Since then, I have led clients to be recognized on the national stage for fundraising innovation, creative communication, and groundbreaking donor relations work, and Donor Relations Guru has become an internationally recognized resource for samples, training, and thought leadership on donor relations and fundraising.
I put my heart and soul into helping nonprofits discover the power of a great donor relations program—and I like to have a little fun along the way.