As the fiscal year end comes near for many of you, you might be wondering what to do with some surplus funds left over in your spend it or lose it budgets. Well, I have a list of creative ideas for you and only a few of them involve Donor Guru (insert shameless self promotion here):
If you haven’t already, invest in a video kit. For under $1,000 you can get a camera (GoPro or DSLR), a tripod, a microphone, a lighting kit and more! Do it, do it now! You won’t regret it - and if you need help getting started, purchase my on demand webinar, Video Engagement that Won't Kill Your Staff or Budget.
Get yourself a membership to AFP, CASE, ADRP or other professional development organization. It’s not just the content that provides value, but the connections you can make!
Invest in some iPads or other tech for your events. Wireless check in, seamless communications, and table displays are not just the future, they’re the now!
Purchase a service like Start sending your donors amazing thank you videos and other communications through a wonderful channel that has amazing open and click through rates! Check out my blog post about them here.
Consider investing in an executive coach or personal career coach to help elevate your success. An executive coach can be life changing - having one really helped my career soar and helped me think in new and different ways.
Add to your fundraising skills library. Purchase some great books for the office - be on the lookout for our summer reading list coming soon.
Buy your office a webinar subscription or e-course, pre-purchase a conference registration, buy some professional education. This one is a bit self serving, seeing that I offer webinars, courses, and conferences but you will never regret investing in yourself for at least a few hours. AND, if you pre-order my brand new events course by June 15 you save $300! Want something out of the norm? Try crucial conversations, Disney, or Ritz Carlton training!
Another great purchase is to spiff up your appearance at events as a staff with great magnetic staff nametags. Some polish goes a long way and nametags are essential. Think Disney here - and if you need a reference, check out
Consider using some of your surplus to do something to reward, retain and recognize your team or those who have done something nice for you or gone above and beyond. Simple things like notes, buying a communal Jenga game or hallway bowling, or spending some funds on a fun day outside of the office!
Finally, take a look at your budget. Where did you spend the most money last year? Can you work with the vendor now to pre-purchase or buy items at a bulk discount thus saving you for next year?
I hope you spend wisely and spend in a strategic manner. You can stretch your yearend surplus far! Invest for the long term and invest in yourself and your people! What do you like to spend your year end funds on?